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Daily Word: Do Something!!!

Great morning, my great people! Welcome to another opportunity to do it better! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to doing your part and giving back to the world. By now, I’m sure that everyone has heard about the Trayvon Martin tragedy, where a 17-year-old boy lost his life simply because of ignorance and bigotry. I […]

Daily Word: Get Crazy and Delusional!!

Happy Wins-Day, my Crazed and Delusional!! Welcome to the day that you finally stop caring what other people say!! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to breaking the norm and defying conventional wisdom… I am 1000% convinced that crazy is the only thing that will allow success. Anything else breeds complacency, and extreme mediocreness (I know that’s not a word). When […]

Daily Word: Learn the Lesson!!!

Greetings and Salutations, my creatures of excellence! Welcome to another opportunity to do it better than before! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to learning the lessons that life will inevitably throw in your way. Ready or Not, Prepared or Unprepared, Knowledgeable or Unknowledgeable – Life will always test you! These tests are never meant to […]

Daily Word: See Your Value!!!

Happy Monday, My Destined and Determined!! Welcome to the start of a wonderful week! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to Seeing Your Value!! Imagine for a second that you lost all of your worldly possessions. Your money, your car, your home, you job title, your affiliations…Everything… What would you be worth? Before you answer that […]

Daily Word: Be Extraordinary!!!

Happy Friday, my creatures of Greatness!! Welcome to the best day of your entire life….. EVERYDAY!!!! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to Being Extraordinary! Contrary to popular belief, no one was put on this earth to merely survive! We were not put here to struggle, and we were surely not put here to be “regular.” Out of all […]

Daily Word: Be Stubborn!!

Greetings and Salutations! Welcome to a new day and a new opportunity to do it better! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to being stubborn!! Soooooo…… I don’t know whether it was the weather, something in the air, or mercury retrograde (for all my astrology folks out there), but yesterday was an interesting day to say the least. I receive e-mails […]

Daily Word: Be Certain!!!

Tremendous Tuesday, my Talented and Tenacious!! Welcome to the day that you re-realize your power! They say that the only certainty in life is death and taxes… They say that nothing is more certain than uncertainty…. While some of that may have truth to it, it is imperative that you are certain about who you […]

Daily Word: Be Specific!!

Happy Monday, my Creators of Life! Welcome to the beginning of a wonderful week! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to being specific! What I am about to say may upset some and become an eyeopener for others…. Either way, take heed and do what you have to do to change your life in the right […]

Daily Word: WAKE UP!!!

TGI…Everyday!! Welcome to the end of a wonderful week! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to waking up and turning your dreams into reality! I know it sounds like a cliche’, but if you can dream it, then you can make it happen! Your thoughts are the most powerful tool you have in your arsenal, and […]