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Behind the Scenes: Lil Scrappy and Ice Berg Join Bizerk on New Single ‘Count Dat’
(AllHipHop News) Rappers Lil Scrappy and Ice Berg joined former Bottom of Da Map frontman Bizerk as he wraps up work on his new EP, titled “Drugs x Girls.” Bizerk hopes to find success at the start of 2013 with the release of the EP and his latest single, “Count Dat.” AllHipHop.com went behind the scenes to catch every moment of the action at the legendary Circle House recording studio with Lil Scrappy, Ice Berg and Bizerk. Check out the footage below. A release date for “Drugs x Girls” was not available as of press time. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=is5Rtw_dyRc&w=560&h=315]
Iceberg Discusses Leaving Trick Daddy’s Label; New Mixtape “Rise to Power”
(AllHipHop News) Since his departure from Trick Daddy’s label, rising rapper Iceberg is not resting on his laurels. The budding rapper is expanding his own label, Live House in addition to working on a new mixtape titled “Rise to Power.” “I just been grinding, I just put out like four videos in four weeks, literally every monday for the last four weeks I been dropping a video,” Iceberg told AllHipHop.com. “I’m pushing my website BillionBerg.com and pushing the new company Live House. Getting ready for the first quarter of 2013.” According to Berg, the Live House movement is more than just a record label, consisting of a management company, as well as a merchandising business. “It’s everything, it’s the click. I’m going to join another entity but I just got out of my last situation and I just got free. After I got out of my situation [deal with Trick Daddy] it was hindering me from joining a new situation. I started my own situation.” This year, the rapper landed features with artists like Trina, Ace Hood, DJ Khaled, Gunplay and other Miami acts and he will continue his momentum going into the new year. In 2013, Iceberg will take full advantage of his newfound freedom, by exploring his creativity with a new mixtape titled “Rise to Power.” “It feels damn good. It feels like I’m working toward something as far as a free agent,” Iceberg stated. “A lot of the songs I dropped, I was dropping to try and get shows and get hot in venues to make that show money, because that’s the only means of income I could of had as far as rap music. Now it’s all about ‘Rise to Power.’” Look out for ‘Rise to Power’ in early 2013. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwFFd8PPZ4k&w=420&h=315] Follow Mikey T The Movie Star on Twitter @MTMovieStar
Miami Rapper Ice Berg Talks Possible Situation with Maybach Music Group
FRESH HEAT: Ice Berg Ft. Ace Hood “Make Some Room”
[ahh_audio src=/5-22-12/IceBergftAceHood-MakeSomeRoom.mp3]
Ice Berg “Squares Out Ya Circle Freestyle”
[ahh_audio src=/1-27-12/IceBerg-SquaresOutYaCircleFreestyle.mp3]
Ice Berg “Vice Versa Freestyle”
[ahh_audio src=/12-16-11/IceBerg-ViceVersaFreestyle.mp3]
Ice Berg “4 AM Freestyle”
[ahh_audio src=/11-20-11/IceBerg-4amFreestyle.mp3]
FRESH HEAT: Ice Berg Ft. Trick Daddy, Ace Hood “Snap Remix”
[ahh_audio src=/10-8-11/IceBergftTrickDaddyAceHood-SnapRemix.mp3]