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Daily Word – Your Will Is Your Way!!

Happy Thursday my creatures of uncompromising will! Welcome to the day you realize that within you lies your greatest source of power to achieve anything you want in life! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to your will! Those who really want something make it happen, those who don’t make excuses! If you are willing then […]

Daily Word: This is your moment!!

Peace and blessings my creatures of undeniable greatness! Happy Friday and welcome to the day that you realize that it is impossible for fear and faith to occupy the same space! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to taking your moment! In this game of life, the winners are always going to be the people who […]

Daily Word: Don’t Get Tricked for Treats!

Happy Halloween my Saints, Aints, and Somewhere-in-Betweens! Welcome to the day we realize that all treats aren’t worth the tricks! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to your integrity! Robert Brault once said “There is an ongoing battle between conscience and self-interest in which, at some point,we have to take sides.” While on your journey towards […]

Daily Word: Happy Birthday to YOU!

Happy Wins-Day my creatures of undeniable greatness! Welcome to the day we realize that in order to get more out of life we must first appreciate all that we already have! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to treating everyday as your birthday! Today officially makes me 12,053 days old! As I reflect on the 289,272 […]

Daily Word: Make up your Mind!

Happy Sequential Date Day (11/12/13)! Welcome to the second to last time a date will have sequential numbers for another century. Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to nothing that has anything to do with sequential dates… Just a random thought via my bro @ChuckCreekmur! (LOL!) Today’s Daily Word is really dedicated to making up your […]

Daily Word: Don’t Follow Blindly!!

Happy Monday my powerful and knowledgeable! Welcome to the beginning of the best week of your life and the day you realize that you know more than you give yourself credit for! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to not following blindly! While on your journey to greatness, there will be many people who attempt to […]

Daily Word: Blame It On Obama!

Happy Government Shutdown Tuesday! Welcome to the day that we realize that ego’s and personal agendas are more important than the well being of the American people… but I digress! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to blaming others! As we know as of midnight this morning the government officially shutdown due to a bitter budget […]

Daily Word: Live Your Way of Life!!

Happy Tuesday my confident and self-reliant! Welcome to the day you stop relying on others to achieve your dreams and aspirations! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to living your way of life! According to the Population Reference Bureau there has been approximately 107,602,707,791 people who have ever lived on earth and out of those 107,602,707,791 […]

Daily Word: Make them Believe!

Happy Tuesday my movers, shakers, and creatures of unwavering faith! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to your naysayers! Those who doubt your moves and tell you that it can’t be done! Today is the day you kill them with success! Many times while on your path to greatness there will be many who doubt your […]

Daily Word: Endure Then Thrive!

Happy Tuesday my tremendous talented tenacious goal setters! Welcome to the day you put life to the saying “No Pain, No Gain” Today’s Daily Word is dedicated enduring your struggles in order to thrive! In today’s society there is such a disdain for obstacles, struggle and pain that everyone tries to do everything in their […]

Daily Word: Act Right!

Happy Wins-Day my decisive decision makers! Welcome to the best day of the rest of your life! Today’s Daily Word is dedicated to Acting Right! Lauren Hill once eloquently asked… “How you gone win if you aint right within?” While those words seem like just a clever line to an emotionally charged song, the message […]