Masters of Style: 10 Style Accessories You Need to Add to Your Wardrobe This Spring
From our friends at Vibe Spring has sprung and in most parts of the country, people are unthawing from winter and gearing up for summer. Spring is a season of rebirth and renewal and the mild temperatures give us all a chance to remove some of our winter layers and show off sexy spring looks. Hip-Hop has always been a fashionable culture. We originate and inspire fashion based in the streets and tweaked with regional influences. As the culture ages, gracefully might we add, style becomes a little more subdued for the older folks, and class becomes mandatory. One of the culture’s style icons, Andre 3000 turned heads years ago when he cut off his locks, discarded his football jerseys and became known for clothing that gave new meaning to eclectic. Yet, even those days are behind ‘Dre and he more apt to be seen in tailored pants and a cardigan than crocheted pants and a turban. “Three Stacks” was recently selected as one of Gillette’s Masters of Style campaign, which targets cultural icons who style their facial hair as opposed to the company’s former “clean-shaven” image. Global Gillette vice-president and general manager emphasizes the significance of the campaign, “This is a new chapter for Gillette. We are stepping quite consciously into the style space,” said Lally. “We are reaching out to the worlds of music, fashion and film. These are guys with great facial hair styles.” In addition to great grooming and fly clothes, the right accessories can help the even the least stylish men pull together a great look. Our friends at Vibe offer up 10 great accessories to help you become a “Master of Style.” Check out the full gallery here and take a look at a photo below of one must-have item for spring.