Kidd Kidd – “Mr. Rogers”
While G-Unit’s new EP, The Beauty Of Independence, currently resides as a top-five release on the iTunes chart, the Unit’s newest member, Kidd Kidd, took time to dedicate a new track, “Mr. Rogers,” to his city on the nine-year anniversary of the Hurricane (Katrina) which ravaged his hometown. Nine-years ago today, Hurricane Katrina became the most costliest natural disaster (total property damage was estimated at 108 billion dollars), as well as being one of the five deadliest hurricanes in the history of theUnited States. Katrina claimed the lives of thousands and displaced countless of residents with the most significant amount of damage occurring in New Orleans, LA; and Kidd Kidd’s neighborhood (9th Ward) was hit the hardest. “With all that’s going on I can’t forget about my home, New Orleans and the whole 9th Ward. Some things you just never forget.” Kidd Kidd