School ‘Em Saturdays ~ Chemtrails Kill Speech, MLK, and Mad Guns
$CHOOL ‘EM $ATURDAY$ MAY OR MAY NOT REFLECT THE VIEWS OF THE AUTHOR, iLLSEED, OR ALL HIP HOP.COM CHEMTRAILS CONFIRMED De-classified documents about ChemTrails reveal another “Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment” type program, where participants of the low income Pruitt – Igoe houses in St. Louis, and other cities, were unknowingly sprayed with poisonous, radioactive chemicals, daily, by the U.S. Army during the 1950‘s and 1960‘s to study the effects of inhaling poisonous, radioactive chemicals. ChemTrails De-classified [youtube] WELCOME TO NEW ORLEANS “Welcome To New Orleans” is a documentary about vigilante incidents during Hurricane Katrina. “Prisoners Of Katrina” looks at the prisoners of Orleans Parish Prison that were abandoned during the flood. Looters vs Vigilantes may depend on perspectives. Prisoners fall into a different category. The forced evacuation of residents appears to raise other issues. The Former Mayor Of new Orleans, Ray Nagin, has been indicted by the Federal Government for Corruption, regarding kickbacks. You can view “Prisoners Of Katrina” : HERE Welcome To New Orleans [youtube] SANDY HOOK INCONSISTENCIES ADDRESSED BY MIKE POWERS Some people feel politicians are exploiting the Sandy Hook tragedy, others feel that it was a staged event, reminiscent of the CIA’s MKULTRA mind control program. MKULTRA saw experimentation with LSD and other drugs, in a government attempt to control minds. Another side of the theory, is that the shooting was staged like NASA’s moon landing is alleged to have been. Joyce Riley interviews Mike Powers about a few things that he investigated with Sandy Hook. [youtube=] BANNING FULL AUTO New York has passed the strictest gun control law in the nation. Full auto weapons were used in the infamous “North Hollywood Shoot Out”, a real life re-enactment of the shoot out scene in the movie “HEAT.” [youtube] HEAT – Shoot Out Scene [youtube=] As in the movie, the North Hollywood bandits moved as a unit, unlike the movie, only the bandits were killed in the shoot out. Two thousand rounds fired, eighteen people injured, including eleven police officers, and duration of the shoot out, make it the most notorious shoot out in U.S. History. North HollyWood Shoot Out – Live [youtube=] THE GREATEST SPEECH EVER MADE “The Great Dictator”, starring Charlie Chaplin, produced the greatest speech ever made, for a Hollywood movie, even though it was made in 1940. It is just as applicable today, as it was 75yrs ago. [youtube] There can’t be a “Greatest Speech” discussion, without Martin Luther King Jr’s “I Have A Dream” speech being considered. I HAVE A DREAM [youtube=] Martin Luther King Jr. opposed violence, but he never opposed action. At times, he sounded angry, yet still peaceful, and opposed the U.S. domestic and international policies, in retrospect, he opposed what some would call “The New World Order”, etc. THE MEN WHO KILLED KING Malcolm X’s security chief, pictured kneeling over a mortally wounded Malcolm X, performing CPR, was undercover NYPD Officer Gene Roberts that had infiltrated Malcolm’s organization, moving closest to Malcolm. Martin Luther King Jr.’s security chief, undercover Memphis police officer Merle McCullough , performing CPR on Martin Luther King Jr., had infiltrated King’s organization, and moved closest to King, as his security chief, who moved King into the line of fire. The Assassination Of Martin Luther King Jr. [youtube=] If you see something, say something, send Rumors, iLL Pics, iLL videos, and Signs to: iLLSEED @ $E$ Submissions to: EDOGZ818@AOL.COM Subject – $E$ Submission