FRESH HEAT: The Dean's List [BGA] "Hennessy At Cookouts"
[ahh_audio src=/8-23-12/TheDeansList-HennessyAtCookouts.mp3]
[ahh_audio src=/8-23-12/TheDeansList-HennessyAtCookouts.mp3]
[ahh_audio src=/3-15-12/TheDeansListftDaniUmmel-Hollywood.mp3]
Hailing from Boston, Massachusetts, The Dean’s List members Sonny Shotz, Mik Beats, and DJ Mendoza have been creating a unique sound and style of music since the moment the three got together in a studio. The outcome of their time resulted in their first mixtape, The Drive-In, which was released last year to much acclaim […]
[ahh_audio src=/2-14-12/TheDeansListftSidSriram-Youth.mp3]
[ahh_audio src=/11-20-11/TheDeansList-Unbelievers.mp3]