Rapper K’Naan Lashes Out At Mitt Romney For Using “Waving Flag”
(AllHipHop News) Somali born/Canadian raised rapper K’Naan is lashing out at presidential candidate Mitt Romney, for using one of his best known songs without permission. Mitt Romney used K’Naan’s#### single “Waving Flag,” as the music in his speech last night during the Florida Republican primary. K’Naan told AllHipHop.com in a statement that Mitt Romney had not received the proper permission to use the song. Furthermore, K’Naan said that he is not endorsing Mitt Romney. “I have not been asked for permission by Mitt Romney’s campaign for the use of my song. If I had been asked, I would certainly not have granted it. I would happily grant the Obama campaign use of my song without prejudice.” According to K’Naan, he is exploring all of his legal options, to prevent Mitt Romney from continuing to use “Waving Flag.”