An Inside Look into Nick Luevano’s Journey from the Streets to the Stage

Nick developed a passion for music and dreamed of becoming a pop star like Michael Jackson or Stevie Wonder.

People want to achieve success without going through challenges which is a crucial part of the journey. Many people with success stories have become bestsellers because people found glitz and glamor in them that they often dreamt of. What they don’t see is persistence, hard work, late nights, discipline, and sacrifices. Nick Luevano, the famous pop artist, and rapper also believed in the glitzy world of the music industry as a 19-year-old until he had a reality check that changed his perception of life. 

Nick Luevano was born in a middle-class family in Cleveland Ohio. At the age of 3, Nick lost both his parents in a car accident. With no one to take care of him, Nick ended up in foster care, which was known for its harsh treatment of children. It was during this time Nick developed a passion for music and dreamed of becoming a pop star like Michael Jackson or Stevie Wonder. Nick had little to no idea of the real world and its challenges. 

At the age of 19, he moved to Los Angeles with a dream to work with one of the top record labels in the city. He was constantly being rejected at auditions. These experiences momentarily deterred him. He got his first big break performing at a club. That night, Nick rocked the floor. He kept the crowd alive throughout the night. Since then, Nick has never looked back. 

Today he is a resident DJ in three elite clubs in Miami. Electrifying music, groovy rhythms, and a blazing message about society mark the signature style of Nick and will be the same in the coming years also.