Chris Brown Should Chill & Stay Out Of The Spotlight A Bit

It’s sad that we live in a day and time where common sense is always trumped by the need to make a quick buck. Don’t get me wrong, I am by no means suggesting that Chris Brown is only trying to make a quick buck, but I have to agree with the folks who are […]

It’s sad that we live in a day and time where common sense is always trumped by the need to make a quick buck. Don’t get me wrong, I am by no means suggesting that Chris Brown is only trying to make a quick buck, but I have to agree with the folks who are calling for Chris to fall back, take a breath and get some help. His seeming eagerness to return to the fold and repair his image seems to defy basic logic.

Should he be the poster child for domestic violence? Of course not, but like it or not he is… And just like he’s was able to rise to the occasion and be a breath of fresh air by being a clean cut viable alternative to the raunchy, in your face, over the top, crass persona that has dominated so much of urban music, Brown should rise to the occasion and be a shining example of how one properly atones and handles a troubling situation. He should rise to the occasion and be the poster child of a man who doesn’t beat women. That’ll take some time and deep soul searching that is ‘felt’ by his fans not simply seen and heard.

Right now there are some missing steps in the process Chris Brown is taking as he returns to the spotlight. What those missing steps are, I can’t say… I guess I feel he shouldn’t be in the spotlight right now. Next time I see Brown in public, I don’t want to see him in a club partying with a bevy of women. I don’t want to see any more Youtube videos. The one he made where he apologized was suffice.

The Larry King interview? Like everyone else I saw bits and pieces and I’m sure its much more detailed and Brown’s sincere regret is probably expressed. However, Brown doesn’t control the media and the way things are being manipulated and the way his quotes are being chopped up and taken out of context a particular tone is being set. Many of us watched CNN Interview with arms folded and several layers of cynicism. Larry King will get a nice ratings boost to catch up to MSNBC but Brown may have dug himself a deeper hole.

I think people are looking for action and no more talk. Brown didn’t just slap or shove Rihanna, he beat her down without mercy. He didn’t do this one time. He did it on three different times. Hence I agree with those who are calling for him to chill. It’s too soon for him to return.

Maybe Brown should take a full year off, leave the country, or go underground for a bit. Whatever he does he should definitely be out of the headlines and allow himself sometime to grow and better mature. When I see all these appearances it reeks of big business trying to callously repair its image and not of man trying to help himself, the person he victimized and people he disappointed heal.

Personally I’d like to see him embed himself in the lives of young people who really could use a helping hand. I’d like to see him take time and maybe write a book reflecting his time away from the spotlight and showing how he’s grown from this mistake. In any case I wish Brown much luck.. From what I’m seeing and the sense I get I don’t think this Larry King interview helped him much.

Something to ponderThe views expressed inside this editorial aren’t necessarily the views of