A mere mortal relying as much on wit and
intelligence as he does brawn, DC Comics Batman is a character ranking up
there in popularity with Superman and Spiderman. The Batman franchise of films has been much
beloved and much maligned. A tricked out Batmobile, yes. Nipples on the
frikkin Batsuit, negative.
With the upcoming release of The Dark Knight, here is a look at some past Batman flicks to get
you set for that highly touted sequel to Batman
Begins you are sure to be watching sometime on Friday, July 18.
Batman: The Movie (1966)
Save for those die-hard Batman junkies, many
didnt realize when watching Adam Wests Batman TV show, and its subsequent
movie, the show was essentially Batman Lite.
Yeah, the detective elements where mildly
present and the Pow and Bam animations, just about all of Robins dialogue and
the campy jokes were nothing like the Dark
Knight Batman creator Bob Kane intended. But hey, watching Adam Wests Batman
battle a shark is entertaining, in a
ridiculous sort of way.
Batman (1989)
Michael Keaton donned the cowl for Tim Burtons
lauded film adaption of Batman. But
the star of this movie was Batmans arch nemesis The Joker, masterfully played
by Jack Nicholson. Though purists were thrown for a loop by some of the movies
plot turns (Joker does in Bruce Waynes parents, since when?), the film was the
start of a profitable franchise for Warner Brothers. And Princes Batman soundtrack wasnt that
Batman Returns (1992)
Danny Devito as The Penquin and Michelle Pfeiffer
as Catwoman – not a bad deal. And with critics and parents groups having a
hissy fit saying the film was too dark, the movie couldnt have been that bad.
It didnt blow away 1989s film, but Keatons last turn as Wayne/Bats was a
pretty good look.
Batman Forever (1995)
And this is where it starts to go downhill. Keaton
had dipped because he wasnt feeling Warner Bros. decision to make Batman more
family friendly. Val Kilmer was decent, but the villains in this turnTommy
Lee Jones as Two Face, Jim Carrey as The Riddlerstole the show. Not
necessarily a bad thing, but lets not forget the much mentioned travesty of
the Bat suit having nipples. Nipples
B! One highlight, Method Mans The Riddler on the soundtrack was dope.
Batman & Robin (1997)
Calis current governor as Mr. Freeze, Uma Thurman
as Poison Ivy, Chris ODonnell back as Robin and Alicia Silverstone joining the
fray as Batgirl. Sounds decent on paper but real rap, this movie was plain
garbage. Holy wackness Batman! After this sole turn as Batman, George Clooney
would redeem himself with Oceans 11
and Thurman in Kill Bill. The rest of
the cast, not so much. Oh, and Coolio makes a cameo.
Batman Begins (2005)
After the nonsense that was Batman & Robin, the series was way past due for an overhaul,
and Batman Begins was the reset the
franchise needed. Christian Bale does his thing as a brooding, soon to be
trained assassin and prodigal son of Gotham City Bruce Wayne.
Based on a few of the beloved Batman series of
comics including Batman: Year One and
Batman: The Long Halloween, the
Batman had finally been translated to the film screen in the incarnation its
creator Bob Kane intended. The only faux pas is a hella annoying Katie Holmes
playing Rachel Dawesbless you fast forward button.
The Dark Night (2008)
The sequel to the near perfect Batman Begins is receiving much hype.
Early word is it will trump its stellar predecessor. With Bale and Gary Oldman
reprising their roles as Wayne/Batman and Commissioner Gordon, respectively and
along with Aaron Eckhart as Harvey Dent/you ought to know already and the
late Heath Ledger as The Joker, see this movie.Which Batman movie was your favorite? Who was the best Batman?