Developer/Publisher: Electronic ArtsPlatform: XBOX 360
Players: 1 – 16 (Online)Release Date: 4/7/09
Rating: B
Regardless of the real life chaos it might have crossed throughout time, organized crime will always have a place in American popular culture. From the times of Al Capone up to John Gotti, civilians and squares alike have always craved a taste of the mob life.
In 2006, Electronic Arts brought the greatest mafia film to video game life with The Godfather. While the title wasn’t all the way perfect, it translated the on screen story of Vito Corleone nicely onto sixth generation gaming platforms. Now with an updated game play system in place, The Godfather II(Electronic Arts) literally puts the organized in organized crime.
Mirroring the sequel in The Godfather movie trilogy, the game reflects the newly appointed don Michael’s trials and tribulations to keep the Italian Corleone family on top. Off top you feel in charge with the option to customize your player Dominics appearance from his physical attributes to his clothing; all which stays in the story’s 1950’s motif.
Overall the presentation is top notch. All the characters from the film are depicted with careful detail. The only thing missing are actual actors voices.
Yes The Godfather II is a free roam sandbox title, but game play is much deeper than expected. As in the original title, you can shoot and beat down your enemies. This time around the hand to hand fighting gets more vicious with options to knee, grab, kick, and head butt foes.
Rather than your standard run and gun, most of your time is spent shaking down local businesses for extortion money. For each separate mission you have the choice to enlist different low level goons with certain special abilities. Medics can heal your crew during battle and demolition experts can crack any safe.
These simple choices play out in a much bigger land of planning here. The game provides a new overview called The Dons View. Here you can see an overview of the territory; what sites your crew controls and rival family interests as well.
These simple choices play out in a much bigger land of planning here. The game provides a new overview called The Dons View. Here you can see an overview of the territory; what sites your crew controls and rival family interests as well.
After you take over a location, you have to protect it with the right people against attacks. If you control everything under a specific crime ring, youre awarded with further perks. This is basically the modus operandi of the rise to being Don.
As its predecessor,
II isnt a complete offer you cant refuse. What holds the title back is those little nuisances that reveal themselves as you progress through the story. For starters hardcore fans of the movie will notice that the game doesnt really follow the movies Francis Ford Coppolas much heralded storyline. Additionally the A.I. on your crew can be abysmal with your hired help even having trouble at times entering a car.
Mistakes aside this game is a fun ride that avoids sleeping with the fishes.
Godfather II will provide a good time to those keeping the business in the family. Capiche?
Godfather 2 Trailer: