At a formal dinner party, the person nearest death should always be seated closest to the bathroom.
–George Carlin
In 2004, Comedy Central revealed their “ 100 Greatest Stand-up Comedians of All Time”. The top three comedians on the list were: 3) Lenny Bruce, 2) George Carlin, and 1) Richard Pryor. As we know by now, they’re all dead.
The Holy Trinity of Stand-Up Comedy was the blueprint for today’s comedians. Without those three men, there wouldn’t be a Chris Rock, a Dane Cook or a Carlos Mencina. “Habitual Line Steppers”, that’s what they were. If there was a line that needed to be stepped, they were the first ones to jump over it. Whether it be race, religion, politics, personal demons, nothing was truly off limits.
Lenny Bruce left us in 1966 to a drug overdose. Richard Pryor, who battled MS for many years, died of a heart attack in 2005. Tragically, the remaining member of Comedy’s Big Three, George Carlin, died on June 22, 2008 from heart failure. If Carlin was to speak about his own death, he would probably say, “Heart Attacks; choice of death for comedians. Ask your physician if it’s right for you”.
When someone who is well-respected passes away, there’s always one person who says,”There’s not enough words to describe this person”. In George Carlin’s case, there are but there’s not enough time in the world for usto fully do him justice. People like George Carlin paved the way for comedians and writers to speak their minds despite the fact that you maybe crossing the line. It’s your opinion, your words; speak on it. One of two things will happen, you’ll either fly or your die.
So I leave you with this, my favorite George Carlin moments. Hopefully you can find the same enjoyment from these video clips as I did. We lost a great comedian and man on Sunday. Hopefully his words and attitude will continue to inspire a generation of comedians and writers. So when you’re walking though your zombie like haze, oblivious to what’s going on in the world around you, eating McDonald’s, throw back one for George Carlin. The last of the real commedians.
Seven Words
The Hippy Dippy Weatherman
Baseball and Football
Ten Commandments
May 12, 1937 – June 22, 2008
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