You can always expect something uniquely different from N.E.R.D, and their new single “Everyone Nose” off their forthcoming album N.3.R.D is just a reminder that. Pharrell, Chad, and Shay stand in a class of their own. In listening to the track several times, it stirred up mixed emotions but the more I listened, the more the song grew on me. The hook is catchy and the production and instrumentation is clever, despite its resemblance to the 1992 classic track “Juice (Know the Ledge).”While the message relayed in “Everyone Nose” isn’t easy to define at first, after analyzing the lyrics it’s clear that this track is speaking about what Hollywood girls are doing in the bathroom that literally defines the idiom, “Excuse me, I’m going to powder my nose.”It appears that N.E.R.D is looking to put their foot back in the game with this new single, and while it possess a different sound and puts a different spin on what currently getting radio play, one must wonder – “Will this track gain popularity amongst today’s popular hits?” Whether the answer is yea or nay, you have to appreciate N.E.R.D’s dare to be different approach and consistent push to stand out from the rest.