50 Of The Most Iconic Hip-Hop Album Covers Of All-Time

AllHipHop has put together a list of the best HIp-Hop album covers ever created!

3. Public Enemy, Yo! Bum Rush the Show

Public Enemy, Yo! Bum Rush the Show
Public Enemy, Yo! Bum Rush the Show

Yo! Bum Rush the Show’s cover art is a remarkable piece of work that epitomizes the artistry and disruptive nature of Hip-Hop in the 80s. The shady photograph used on the cover is of members of their Bomb Squad, Chuck D, Professor Griff & the S1Ws, and Terminator X “bum-rushing” a radio show and taking over whatever the DJ is spinning to control the turntable’s musical conversation. With this project, a 26-year-old Chuck D became the voice of a generation, coining the idea that rap music is the “CNN of the Street.” Little did he or anyone on the cover know that they would change the trajectory of the art form — bum-rushing the culture as they have done on this cover.