These Actors And Actresses Have Been Blacklisted In Hollywood And Here’s Why!

Check out this list of actors and actresses who have been blacklisted in Hollywood for one reason or another!

Jean-Claude Van Damme Made a Miscalculation

Jean-Claude Van Damme
Jean-Claude Van Damme

Belgian-born martial arts star Jean-Claude Van Damme isn’t as in-demand as he once was, and there are a few good reasons why. Mainly, he made a bad career move after his successful movie Timecop. He was offered to star in a trilogy that would earn him a huge $12 million per movie but he turned it down in hopes to negotiate a much larger sum.

Actor Jim Carrey had recently been in the papers for becoming the first actor to receive $20 million for a movie role. Jean-Claude demanded the studio pay him the same whopping figure for each film of the trilogy, and they simply turned him down. Years later he admitted: “Jim Carrey was being paid a fortune. And I wanted to play with the system. Like an idiot. Ridiculous.” From then on, he was blacklisted in Hollywood.