These Actors And Actresses Have Been Blacklisted In Hollywood And Here’s Why!

Check out this list of actors and actresses who have been blacklisted in Hollywood for one reason or another!

Dane Cook Was Accused Of Stealing Jokes

Dane Cook
Dane Cook

Comedian Dane Cook was a big-shot stand-up in his own right when he successfully transitioned to the big screen in the early 2000s. He starred opposite Steve carrel and Jessica Alba in Dan In Real Life in 2007, but after that things started to look down for Dane. Critics started attacking his roles in comedy films, writing things like “Can we finally just admit that Dane Cook isn’t funny?”

It didn’t help when comedian Carlos Mencia accused Dane of stealing jokes. Joe Rogan then accused Dane taking some of his own material and trying to pass it off as his own. And then people started to catch on to some similarities between Dane and stand-up Louis C. K. There ‘s really no coming back after all that bad publicity.