(AllHipHop New Music Feature) Michigan’s own, ASDR (All Songs Done Right) is a Michigan-bred hip-hop duo patiently creating something fresh yet nostalgic for real hip-hop lovers and music enthusiast everywhere. They intelligently capture the pure essence of old school hip-hop, R&B, and soul with a youthful hardcore energy while using classic samples to create and develop beats for any ear’s enjoyment. It’s clear ASDR is on a mission to help bring real hip-hop music back to your speakers, one track at a time. In late 2016, ASDR released their debut mixtape, “Health Wealth & Vibe” on Soundcloud, ReverbNation, Itunes, Datpiff, and Spinrilla. As the project gained local respect, it was a vision of theirs to showcase the music visually. They then decided to began the journey to a complete visual project. “Health Wealth and Vibe Vol 1.” was created to break the mold of what hip-hop culture and music today has become. With influences from hip-hop greats like Eric B. and Rakim, KRS-ONE, Nas and Public Enemy, the lyrics reach deep within the group members, Da’Shonte Riley “Tae” and Anthony Strickland II “Strick,” to paint pictures of their circumstances– good and bad, over the years. In late March 2017, ASDR released eight videos almost back-to-back including album favorites “Family” and “All Me” to connect the music visually to supporters. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSdPaeoZ1cI] [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9HDaN2MtYM] Other visuals included, but definitely, aren’t limited to a freestyle and ode to their lost community “Willow Run.” Willow Run was a bonus track that was supposed to be added to the original “Health, Wealth and Vibe” mixtape but turned into a visual project of its own. As the hometown to rapper, Strick, the Willow Run series takes you on a ride with Strick to old neighborhoods and childhood friends as they share stories and memories of what the community used to be. There is a part in the “Willow Run” song where they explain how Ypsilanti and Willow Run have different zip codes, although each city is recognized on the map as Ypsilanti, Michigan. Side note, as of 2013 the Willow Run School District was dissolved and later reestablished and combined with the neighborhood district, Ypsilanti Public School to create Ypsilanti Community Schools. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEz9ACs100g] [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZhIrkQ0krk] [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcSGtbrXl18] The other two videos wrap around their “For the Culture” series where you get the inside of what happens when Strick and Tae get together and discuss what the culture needs and how they plan to change it through music. They go from general conversation to Strick spittin’ flows all in a 2-minute sitting. It’s a lot to take in but definitely worth the listen. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNvg959xRYU] [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMT2PYDvuFU] ASDR will be releasing a few additional music video this spring in preparation for their new album “Summer Session” which is set to release in Summer 2017. ASDR is bringing real hip-hop back, and it’s a movement. Join the wave. Follow ASDR on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and visit ASDR Website for music updates and Summer Session release.