Chuck “Jigsaw” Creekmur and DJ Thoro talk to the big homie Maino at WonWorld Studios and hilarity ensues.

Yes, this is the same Maino that came in the game talking about “Hi Hater.” The same guy that dated Lil Kim. He’s also that dude that has shown serious resilience in a fickle Hip-Hop environment that switches more than a Hunt’s Point h#####. Maino was and continues to be a throwback to the Hip-Hop heavies of old. You know, he was not the one you want to play with.
A young prankster recently realized that the hard way, or not. Maino reassures Jigsaw and Thoro that the physicality with YouTuber Buba100x was simply amazing, award-winning acting. Buba deserves some respect as a thespian as well. Just look at him.

Regardless, Maino is an artist and he’s one of those structures that keeps New York City respectable in the eyes of the world. He’s amassed an impressive body of work that pushes the roots farther down and the branches farther out. His project with Jim Jones, The Lobby Boyz, benefitted both men and now the Brooklyn Bomber is again flying solo. He’s joined forces with Fabolous & Stuy Babyz for “Best For Me,” his latest offering.
In the latest edition of the AllHipHop Podcast, Maino gets serious about his history and where he’s going. He doesn’t shy away from discussing his time in prison, the way he avoided being blackballed and even his sense of style. He most certainly explained why a prank can definitely go askew joking with the wrong one.