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The Best Responses to Kendrick Lamar’s “Control”

So much commentary has been given to Kendrick Lamar’s “Control” verse, it’s hard to keep up at times. And while rappers’ response records were initially slow, they soon started pouring in. Therefore, it’s only right that AllHipHop.com rank the responses in order to see if Kendrick has legitimate competition or if he really is the […]

Undergroud Effects Artist Of The Week: YC The Cynic

[twitter-follow screen_name=’AllHipHopcom’] [twitter-follow screen_name=’SkyyhookRadio’] Anyone who claims to know how YC The Cynic rhymes is not a true listener of YC’s at all. “The Bronx Bomber” has his own way of getting a point across this is true. However, that particular way morphs, changes and evolves through every project he puts out. What you heard at […]