Kayo Da Don Drops New Banger “Upstate Drip”

Kayo Da Don - Press Image Provided By Publicist Crystal Willis

Kayo Da Don is coming with his album “30 for 30,” but listen to “Upstate Drip” for now.

Kayo Da Don, an emerging hip hop artist and entrepreneur hailing from Upstate New York, continues his momentum with the upcoming release of his latest single, “Upstate Drip,” which is now available on all streaming platforms. Drawing inspiration from his hometown of Albany, NY, as well as his clothing store bearing the same name, the song serves as a swift follow-up to his recent spring release, “LAX,” and sets the stage for his highly anticipated album, “30 for 30,” slated for release this summer. As Kayo gears up for live performances at DJ Holiday’s Hollipalooza Tour during BET Awards week and his upcoming show in Buffalo, NY.

In his previous track, “LAX,” Kayo Da Don offered fans a glimpse into the relentless hustle and determination that defines his life as a rapper. The anthem-like production crafted by Tenzo Beatz, accompanied by the visually stunning “Ball On’ Em” music video directed by Lin James, captivated audiences.

Despite a brief period of incarceration, Kayo Da Don burst onto the music scene in 2020 and quickly gained popularity through his covers of chart-topping hits like “Lemon Pepper” and “We Paid.” With a string of regular music releases such as “Channel 10,” “Big Business,” “Wrist In The Trap,” “Makin’ It Hot,” and more, Kayo Da Don has established a global presence and earned widespread recognition.