Drake Stalker Demands Rapper Buy Her A New House…Or Else

Drake Knife

Woman emailed his lawyer asking Drake for a new house for his birthday.

Toronto rapper Drake is in court regarding his alleged stalker, a woman he accused of harassing him in the past. She is causing problems for him. According to his lawyers, the woman became such a dangerous nuisance, that the Billboard chart-topper had to get a temporary restraining order last month to keep Mesha Collins away.

Now, his attorney Larry Stein has filed court documents claiming Collins is still harassing not only his client but him, as Drake’s lawyer.

According to RadarOnline, Stein wrote on March 30 that Collins shot a message saying she was going to “invade [Drake’s] home again” if she didn’t get her a new house and vehicle for her upcoming birthday.

“Please ask him to help me get a Brand New House and Car as my birthday is on April 29th. I will have no choice but to invade his home again. Please! I Love Him and need money,” she allegedly said.

The Lawyer contends this violates the current status of the restraining order and wants the courts to make it permanent, making it extend for five more years.

As reported by AllHipHop.com, Collins was arrested for the many times she trespassed on the “God’s Plan” rapper’s Los Angeles mansion. The 29-year-old purportedly told him to “put a bullet through your head now b####” in one email.

Last year, Collins filed a lawsuit asking for $4 billion because she believed the rapper was leaking her personal information in his songs.

The judge has not moved on changing the terms of the order.