Rick Ross’ Alleged Baby Mama Demands COVID19 Test

After his resistance to taking a DNA test, Rick Ross now ordered to take another test.

(AllHipHop News) Rick Ross’ baby mama has made it very clear what is required of him. “Test negative, or no visit.”

Briana Singleton, who is the alleged mother of Ross’ two infant children, has called on the father of her two infant children, to get tested for COVID19.

Filing legal documents in Fayette County, Georgia, Singleton requested an “emergency hearing,” demanding Ross take a test, and for the results to be negative before he comes near the children.

Despite his stubbornness to even take a DNA test, Singleton hopes that he would at least consider the health of the children by taking the COVID-19 test.

Nearly six months since their break-up, Rick Ross has been less than active in his efforts to care for the children, claims Singleton, who is also pregnant with their third child.

Apparently, Ross hasn’t seen the two children since the split, at the beginning of the year.

But he has recently reached out to Singleton for a possible visit. Not the one to turn down the opportunity for the kids to see their father, Singleton has agreed but only under this one condition.

She is worried that Rick Ross has been irresponsible when it comes to quarantine responsibility after traveling.

In addition to his reckless behavior during a pandemic, she also shared her concern for his “constant use of marijuana.”

Looks like Ross needs to get his act together if he wants to be a part of his children’s lives.