Wu-Tang Clan Launches Their Own Line Of Hand Sanitizer

The legendary rap group is selling their own line of hand sanitizer based off of one of their hit songs!

(AllHipHop News) Wu-Tang Clan have launched their own hand sanitizer, cleverly titled called “Protect Ya Hands,” with proceeds from sales going to three Canadian charities amid the coronavirus pandemic.

The sanitizer is just one product the band is selling as part of their A Better Tomorrow Collection, which will benefit the Ottawa Food Bank, The Ottawa Mission Foundation, and the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario.

For each bottle sold of the sanitizer, the name of which is a reference to their debut single “Protect Ya Neck,” an additional bottle will be donated to The Ottawa Mission Foundation, as well as other homeless shelters in Canada.

As well as the sanitizer, the rappers are selling a Korean-inspired meal packed in a reusable food bowl and an Ottawa x Wu-Tang Clan shirt.

They were first prompted to launch the charitable range after tweeting fans to encourage donations to the Ottawa Food Bank, with their post accruing an additional $28,000 in donations from fans.