Epic Win Of The Day: 14-Year-Old Surgeon…And He’s Black!

I know some people are going to get mad, because I am highlighting this young man. This is for the rest of us that are feeling super hype! Oh, wait, you may not be so hype because you never even read about this kid! But, I got a “tip” about him because he wasn’t getting […]

I know some people are going to get mad, because I am highlighting this young man. This is for the rest of us that are feeling super hype! Oh, wait, you may not be so hype because you never even read about this kid! But, I got a “tip” about him because he wasn’t getting enough love in the media. Lil Mouse makes headlines and this kid gets buried. Anyway, I’m not capable properly articulating how this 9th Grader is making strides in hysterectomies. Crazy, huh?

A Jacksonville researcher has developed a way of sewing up patients after hysterectomies that stands to reduce the risk of complications and simplify the tricky procedure for less-seasoned surgeons.
Oh, and he’s 14 years old.
Feel free to read that again.
Tony Hansberry II is a ninth-grader who, as it happens, will be presenting his findings today before an auditorium filled with doctors just like any of his board-certified – and decades older – colleagues would. He would say he was following in the footsteps of “Doogie Howser, M.D.” – if he weren’t too young to have heard of the television show.
Instead, he says that his remarkable accomplishments are merely steps toward his ultimate goal of becoming a University of Florida-trained neurosurgeon.
“I just want to help people and be respected, knowing that I can save lives,” said Tony, the son of a registered nurse mom and an African Methodist Episcopal church pastor dad.

Read the rest at Jacksonville.com!

This boy gets the slow clap!

But this…is exactly how I feel!

They keep us talking, but if we stop talking about them then they should worry! -illseed.

Illseed, Out.


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