GloRilla! My girl!

Is GloRilla a member of the illuminati? What a weird question, right? That’s exactly what the Internet is asking after the newly minted superstar rapper decided to post a recent photo shoot. In that photo, she had a number of markings and tattoos on her, as well as some rings that said “Big Glo.” This led for many to assume that she is making a statement about her newfound status.
As you probably know, the Illuminati has been a shadowy figure in America and internationally as well. It has often times represented all that is wrong with our entertainment in our music. But, most people don’t go around blatantly advertising any sort of membership to the illuminati. It’s hidden in plain sight and others say it’s a bunch of garbage.
Nonetheless, Glo really is probably the least likely to be a member of this elite clandestine force that many say controls what we see and hear. They also neglect to say that the illuminati is often times affiliated with global politics and other such matters. A little ol’ rapper from Memphis graduating to the Big I already? That’s like me playing center for the Lakers!
Nevertheless, the chatter must’ve gotten to the rapper, because she shut it down quickly. Now I’m not going to publish where I believe the commentary originated, but I am more than happy to show you what I believe she said in response to it.
“Baby y’all need to be worried bout dat pwussy y’all selling & not me eyes ea (e) (edamn I can’t show my rings off ??????? Y’all gotta chill out with da delusional s###,” she said. “Selling rotel plates but worried bout me & my damn soul tf.”
In my view, she is definitely talking about the accusations! They might have witches in Memphis, but she ain’t one with the Illuminati.