Good News: Women With Bigger Butts Are Smarter!

Azealia Banks Shows off Butt Lift

We have great news! Women with bigger bottoms are smarter and healthier, according to a recent report!

They say “never trust a big butt and a smile,” but maybe it is time to reconsider.

Oxford University has revealed some new research that show that there is positive evidence of a link between a big booty and intelligence. The study says specifically that the storage of fat is a positive in terms of general health. But, also important is where the fat is.

Apparently, the women that are bottom heavy are generally healthier and smarter than their thin counterparts. That’s right! Big body gals are up! One of the lead scholars of the study, Konstantinos Manolopoulous, said that “the idea that body fat distribution is important to health has been known for some time.” How the fat is distributed is important as well.

A report said:

Lower body fat keeps the fatty acids further from the heart, the main arteries, and the liver, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. 

Unlike “apple shaped” women with more upper body and belly fat, women with larger behind report lower levels of cholesterol and glucose. 


Now, I am going to say what may not need to be said, if you have one of those fake booties, this is not for you. This is for those ladies that went down to Brazilian butt lift – y’all not included! But, that does not mean Iggy is not a smart chick! She is!

Well, this is actually some good news! I can’t believe it…a sign the world isn’t ending.