New Fake Drake Songs Are Getting The RIAA’s Attention!

Drake The Weeknd

AI Drake is putting up millions and millions of views, likes, streams, but the powers that be are resolute in shutting it down.

The AI movement is not slowing down and the songs are getting better and better. Clearly, there are actual humans behind these records, but there is a clear shift, I think. It seems to me that the fans are down with this. Check these two NEW songs out. Remember, these are not the new era Goat, Drizzy Drake.

AI can’t do this:

Nevertheless, people online are loving the AI Drake, but the RIAA is not about to let you people start creating hit records for Drake and they not get a cut. They have started removing songs already. One of them hit me with this message.

Next the FBI is going to be raiding MFers momma’s basements and taking laptops.

The Weeknd Drake song in AI had put up incredible numbers.

now has 20m streams in under 48 hours.

TikTok: 13m

Twitter: 5.3m

Spotify: 254k (<24 hours)

Youtube: 144k

Soundcloud: 84k

And those are from the other day.
