T.I. And Tiny: Are They Going To Court Or Being Tried In The Media?

The word on the street is a T.I. and Tiny have another problem, but this is a different situation altogether. Apparently, the National Inquirer is going to release another damning story against a couple, that is accused of sexual assault, drugging alleged victims, and other such in fractions that resemble a younger version of Bill […]

The word on the street is a T.I. and Tiny have another problem, but this is a different situation altogether. Apparently, the National Inquirer is going to release another damning story against a couple, that is accused of sexual assault, drugging alleged victims, and other such in fractions that resemble a younger version of Bill Cosby. I’m not trying to be funny, but this seems to be a serious situation that the couple has. But…what is this with a rag?

Come on, B!

The issue though, is that the lawyer for the alleged victims one Mr. Tyrone Blackburn, a lawyer, is taking his legal bid to the media once again. This time, he’s taking his nameless victims to the national Inquirer, one of the worst journalistically integral companies ever. I’m not sure what they look like now, but back in the day they were literally the worst. But it seems like Mr. Blackburn is resolute and taking his allegations to the media, not the law. They say they want justice, but it seems like they really want attention. I’m not trying to be overly critical of him, because the allegations against Tip and Tiny are serious. AND this is a rumor. But if they are that serious, and that this is all real then let the legal system do its job. Let justice play out, and not the court of public opinion.

They had the BIG look in the New York Times, which is a very reputable media outlet. The accusers still have not been named, but they are continuing to throw bombs and hiding their hands. I believe, T.I. and Tiny should be able to face their accusers. Far be it for me to prematurely say that the claims against a couple are not valid. I would never make such an assumption! However, I would not claim that they are guilty yet either. They have every right to go through due process and it not be tried in the public.

So, this leads me to the real goal. In the court of public opinion, and even in civil matters, the burden of proof is much less. The burden of proof in civil courts could result in heavy financial implications against the Harris family. So, they could – in theory – not be charged at all, or be found not guilty like O.J. Simpson, and still face a loss in civil court. So, I do really think this all leads to money. They are throwing everything at T.I. and Tiny and something is going to stick, much like a lot of other people have been accused of a lot of crimes. Again not to say they are right or wrong, guilty or not guilty, but to say that this is being tried in the media.

This originally showed up at The Jasmine Brand.

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