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Sha Stimuli Releases May Offering From “Rent Tape Series”; Discusses Retirement and New Career As An Author

(AllHipHop News) Another month in 2012 means another new mixtape from Sha Stimuli will be released, and the Brooklyn lyricist made good on his promise by releasing May’s offering from his “Rent Tape Series” titled The Trueman Show. Sha Stimuli’s website provided the following description of his newest mixtape: “The Trueman Show is an authentic look into Sha’s […]

SXSW 2012: Reflections Of A First Timer

Have you ever experienced the bowl of cereal dilemma? You know, that perpetual frustration you feel when you have either too much milk in the bowl, or too much cereal and not enough milk in the bowl, so you continuously pour additional amounts of the one that you are lacking into that darn bowl…until you […]