The first single from the upcoming ‘King Kulture: Stop The Traffic’ compilation album releasing August 27, 2013 is brought to you by MC Jin featuring Dawen and entitled “Over The Edge”.
“Over The Edge” is a song that comes from a place of personal experience that hopefully can resonate with listeners who may be dealing with the same issues when feeling overwhelmed by life’s circumstances. MC Jin adds “a big part of my testimony is that through all the setbacks and discouraging turn of events that may have occurred in my life so far, there’s always been someone in the form of an anchor to keep me from drifting into total despair. Be it through family or close friends, God has always shown His presence.”
‘King Kulture: Stop The Traffic’ is a compilation album focused on aiding organizations fighting human trafficking in New York City. Pre-order on iTunes (http://bit.ly/13lOEUF) and get limited and exclusive packages available from the Rapzilla Official Online Store (http://bit.ly/shop-kk) now.
Follow MC JIN on Twitter @iammcjin. Find more from AllHipHop.com contributor Chad Horton at Rapzilla.com, and follow him on Twitter (@chadhorton).