[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyL5Z23LxgE?rel=0&w=620&h=349]
Many chase dreams of stardom and hope to get there on the stage and through a microphone. Many in Hip Hop idolize those who propagate negativity. “Music was made for more than perpetuating negativity, and if you’ve got the gift you don’t need to try to copy anyone else; give people a breath of fresh air.” says Skrip. In his song “Stop It” he encourages those who are pursuing a platform to give up while their ahead if they are going to add to the negativity within the Hip Hop culture. Skrip realizes that not many will receive his message well and states, “Music with a meaning is what lacks in popular Hip Hop, and “Stop It” is bound to step on some toes-deservedly.”
Although serious in the song approach, Skrip is a funny guy as communicated in the visual for “Stop It”.
Download “Stop It” and his album ‘Und_rscore II’ for free here.
Follow Skrip on Twitter (@skripmusic). Find more from AllHipHop.com contributor Chad Horton at Rapzilla.com, and follow him on Twitter (@chadhorton).