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1973-Forever: Remembering D12’s Proof [VIDEO]

The opening track of Proof’s Searching for Jerry Garcia album, “Knice,” captures the essence of the Motor City emcee in a very captivating way.  Set at the First Annual Detroit Hip-Hop Awards, the host’s voice soon fades and then we hear Proof thinking aloud: “My city loves me; I love my city.  I feel like I’m letting […]

“Deadpool” Is A Dead Ringer For Success

If you think that it is mysterious that you haven’t heard anything bad about “Deadpool”, there’s nothing more to be said about it except that the movie is just that good in it’s own very special p#### mouthed way. As a counterculture masterpiece, it works studiously well in spite of what most would call the […]

"Deadpool" starring Ryan Reynolds. Photo credit Joe Lederer courtesy of 20th Century Fox.