Kanye West Calls Donda Academy Lawsuit “Meritless and Barebones” Publicity Attempt

Kanye West - Ye

Rapper is waiting to hear from the courts regarding the status of the lawsuit.

Kanye West is finally pushing back from all of the backlash he’ss received over the Donda Academy, the school he created in tribute to his late mother. According to RadarOnline, the music mogul is asking a judge to dismiss claims from two of his former employees, who’ve sued him for wrongful termination.

“Plaintiffs have haphazardly tossed a meritless and barebones guilt-by-association theory into their complaint to garner press attention and the resulting settlement pressure that comes with it,” Ye snapped in his reply.

As AllHipHop previously reported, Chekarey Byers and Cecilia Haley were the names of the teachers suing. The lawsuit details bizarre rules and practices at the academy, such as students eating sushi on the floor without tables or chairs, a ban on crossword puzzles and coloring sheets and Ye’s refusal to let students use forks or utensils or the second floor of the building because he’s supposedly scared of stairs.

Furthermore, the school allegedly lacked a janitor, school nurse and proper disciplinary procedures, resulting in unchecked bullying and physical assaults. Yeezy vehemently disputes all of the allegations leveled against him by Byers and Haley, the only “African American Teachers” who worked at the school.

Haley said while they were employed at the Donda Academy, they were both discriminated against because of their race. They also said the defendants, Ye and three directors at the newly formed institution fired them in retaliation for being outspoken concerns about education, health, safety code violations and violating the labor code.

No word on if the judge has dismissed the lawsuit.