Saturday Night Live probably does political satire better than any variety show (or talk show) on television. They usually get it right and this weekend, on their Halloween episode, they were spot on with their opening that included two Hip-Hop icons.
While Joe Biden, played by Jim Carey was reading a story time for the holiday, Ice Cube and Lil’ Wayne emerged.
The fake Biden says, “Our country is not haunted. We just have to come together like two butt cheeks to stop the crap. Descent folks out there I ask, hasn’t Trump failed at his task? Do not elect him anymore. Though Ice Cube and Lil Wayne … are voting for.”
READ MORE: Why Are Rappers Like Ice Cube/Lil Wayne/50 Cent Linking With Donald Trump? It’s Complicated.

“Why in the name of all that is holy would you be voting for Trump?”
Cube, played by Keenan Thompson, and Weezy, played by Chris Redd, said in unison, “Taxes!”
“Plus, Trump got a new platinum plan,” the cast Tunechi said, dangling his “platinum” chains. Followed by the former WestSide Connection and Irish Lord saying, “That’s right! If you got a platinum record you can plan on him doing photo opt with you.”
The skit was based on both rappers aligning with the Republican candidate over the last few weeks.
The national election is three days away, and many celebrities are weighing in on who people should vote for. The best way to learn their platforms is to go to both candidates’ websites and do a real deep dive.

READ MORE: Did Donald Trump Bail Lil Wayne When He Was Caught With A Gun And Drugs?
However, according to CNN, over 91.6 million Americans have cast their votes in this year’s presidential election which equals out to 43% of registered voters nationwide.
Early voting has been effective as 16 states report that more than ½ of their registered voters have voted already. And, whether they have listened to Lil Wayne, Ice Cube, 50 Cent, Charlie Clips, DNA, De La Soul, Chuck D, #45Lies, or any of the rappers on the BET Hip Hop Awards ciphers, people are energized to engage the political process … and that is real rap.