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Hip-Hop Rumors: People Shot & Stabbed at Webbie Show! Allen Iverson and Deelishis? Lindsay Lohan Loves Clipse!

DISCLAIMER: All content within this section is pure rumor and generally have no factual info outside of what the streets have whispered in our ear. Read on. TODAY’S RUMORS! MY DAILY TWO CENTS You know how Barack said he wasn’t going to take money from the big corporate financers and really relied on the people? […]

Hip-Hop Rumors: Huge Jeezy Fight! Jay-Z vs Jaz-O Heats Up Again! No New Man For Lil’ Kim!

DISCLAIMER: All content within this section is pure rumor and generally have no factual info outside of what the streets have whispered in our ear. Read on. TODAY’S RUMORS! REAL FAST… There was a rumor earlier in the day that stated there was a relationship between lawyer Londell McMillan and Lil’ Kim. That rumor isn’t […]